Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Daily Routines, Turkeys and Training!

Successful training, I think, depends a great deal on the structure of our daily routines so that our dogs are healthy, happy and well exercised. Only then do we have a foundation to train from: 

  • Healthy means regular feeding times, (water), daily grooming, & vet care as required.
  • Happy means social contact with people and possibly also other dogs.
  • Well exercised means regular but varied exercise that is both mentally and physically suited to the dog.
I think that I could definitely improve on the structure of our daily routines even though in general I would rank our daily routines as "good". 

During the winter, however, the times of our walks and exercise sessions has varied quite a bit, depending on the weather; they are no longer first thing in the morning as they were all through the summer and are mostly mid-morning or even early afternoon in an effort to make the most of the somewhat warmer temperatures at midday. 
Wild Turkeys Gobbling!
This brings me to the subject of Turkeys! I saw a flock of wild turkeys gobbling in the fields, as I drove to the barn yesterday, which makes me think that Spring is on the way and that I should get back into a more precise exercise routine for Lusi. 

Types of exercise
  • Walking and hiking on our own
  • K9 Expedition group hikes with sporting dogs
  • Agility training
  • Tracking
  • Carriage driving training

The different types of exercise that we had been involved in together certainly suffered during the winter months of January and February. We were really down to our hikes along the river and occasional walks along the pavements in the subdivision. 

Dande in his harness after driving in the arena
But things are looking up for Lusi now that she has started going on her K9 Expeditions. The hiking in a group of active sporting dogs, is turning out to be a wonderful experience for her. 

It is also time to restart the tracking and agility training. This means that I really need to go out and get some very basic agility equipment. Victoria has in the meantime started some basic agility training outdoors using whatever natural materials she can find! 

Dande after a workout!
The winter weather has also been the major constraint on getting Lusi started with the carriage driving. However, we are now driving Dande two to three times a week in the arena, so that we will be ready once the warmer weather is here to start with Lusi!

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