Wednesday 18 January 2012

Crate game prepping!

Lusi and Remy learning to stay in their
crates- doors open!
Learning to sit and wait with the crate door open!
Today I started our first indoor training session by rearranging the crates for Lusi and Remy placing them side by side. The aim is to get both of the dogs used to going into their own crate while I do a few minutes of training with each of them separately. This means that one of them must sit and wait in their crate with the crate door open and watch the other one do a bit of training. This is a great way to build up their ability to resist distractions. 

Lusi is beginning to get the idea and I found that I could work with Remy for a few minutes while Lusi stayed in her crate and watched. This sitting and waiting in the crate while the door is open is now building on what we have already done with Lusi previously when she goes into her crate and waits for the food preparation to be done.

Remy, however, is only just beginning to understand that I want him to stay in the crate even though the door is open; this was a new concept for him as we have not asked him to do this before. Remy is crate trained to the extent that we can put him in the crate and he will settle, but he does not see the crate as "home" nor as a great place to be! Now that I have seen how we have shaped Lusi's behaviour towards the crate I want to do the same with Remy!

The idea behind this training is that we gradually build up Lusi's and Remy's abilities to do crate games alongside of one another and similarly train alongside one another.

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