Thursday 19 January 2012

Lusi and Remy start crate games!

The weather is again forcing us to do more indoor training!
Today Lusi sits happily and watches from her open crate as Remy gets his 5 minute training session.
Lusi watches from her open crate as
Remy gets his 5 minute training session!

She waits until I say the "Break!"command before she comes out of her crate.

Remy did well too! He did a few puppy push-ups, (the sit-stand-down transitions). 

Crate Games:
Then we worked on the command for Remy to race into his crate, "Remy in the house!" This was the first time we have done this with Remy, and I was delighted when in he popped as quick as a flash! He cannot sustain the stay in the open crate for long when there are distractions; but we are coming along nicely with the crate games. He certainly liked to be released from the crate with the "Break!" command and he reached me faster than Lusi that was our first crate game race!


  1. Nice progress for sure! Lusi better work on her speed, embarrassing for a Dal to be beat by a Chi in a race, lol! ;)

    1. oh do make me laugh!!!You are right of course!
