Friday 6 January 2012

Lusi's manners!

Lusi is attached to me with her leash while I am on the
 computer- she settles down with her "Orka".

There's only so much unmannerly conduct I can take in the house, even allowing for the fact that it is too cold to stay out in the yard for long and our walking isn't at the level it had been during the summer.

At 7 months old and with just a few days off from classes for the holidays, Lusi is beginning to rule the roost and seems to have her own little "Occupy Toronto" thing going. She is such a quick learner and in just a few days off is learning she can do her own thing! It is time to adopt a multi faceted approach until we are back again in classes and able to maintain our regular exercise routine.

I have just done a short indoor leash training session with her during which she was remarkably good. Much quicker in responding to the commands than previously, even in our classes, and she surprised me with her comfort in the stand-down transitions. But as soon as I said "Break" to end the session, she engaged in a tiff with Remy the chihuahua who had followed in our tracks during the training and so was also hoping for a treat. Wanting both of the carrot pieces, Lusi was not even willing to negotiate an exchange. So I put her leash on her and made her sit on her mat by the computer desk where I could watch her as I worked. Her reprimand was followed shortly by my husband's return from the pet store with a new "Orka" toy for power chewing! Ahh finally peace reigns.

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